a competent and pleasing human interest drama...
26 August 2009
Allan Lane becomes a young widower when his wife dies in childbirth.... He changes into a sour playboy unwilling to get close to any woman again nor even his own daughter he farmed out to his sister and brother-in-law for 8 years. The loving little tyke pays an impromptu visit to his newspaper publisher boss pleading with him not to work her father so hard that he never has any time for her. Meanwhile, a young drive-in car-hop he's taken a shine to puts him in his place when he makes advances to her, which gets him to wake up to the quality of life he's been leading. Just when things start looking up for him, his lady-friend's dangerous past catches up to them....

You will care about what happens in this little known film gem because Allan Lane is very likable as is Jane Frazee and they play their roles in a seemingly effortless and very convincing manner, as does the child. It's amazing how much loving detail can be seamlessly packed so economically into a 65 minute feature. The memorability of its lead characters and situations says a great deal in favor of this highly competent and entertaining modest film. They don't make even A features half this good any more!
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