A Depressing Account Of Life On The Canadian Frontier
29 August 2009
The Other Side Of The Law (it's video title) is a depressing little melodrama telling the story of a man who, after avenging the rape and murder of his wife, disappears into the Canadian wilderness with his baby son, only to send him back ten years later for schooling and socialization, ripping scabs off long festering wounds and whipping up the resentment of the murdered rapist's sadistic son.

Strangely, this seems like a high-brow family film but with moments of fairly graphic violence, including a rape, that make this unsuitable for children.

The frontier atmosphere is great and expertly photographed but the melancholy subject matter is a bit hard to take, as are some of the actor's performances.

With the exception of the opening scenes, there's little action or suspense until near the end and not enough good dramatic moments to rescue it from total boredom.
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