Review of Croc

Croc (2007 TV Movie)
30 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay little sci-fi channel monster flick, following the familiar pattern established by "Jaws", with Michael Madsen in the Robert Shaw role of a veteran croc specialist hunting for a large saltwater crocodile that's eating humans within the radius of it's underwater cavernous lair, near a Thai coastal village.

The film features greedy corrupt land developers(of course) wanting a croc farmer(..who operates a successful tourist zoo with lots of wild game other than just it's feature attractions), Jack McQuade(Peter Tuinstra)to vacate the premises so that they can confiscate his land for their own financial services. When Jack refuses, they try other desperate measures to force his hand, such as cutting the power, even attempting to run over his sister whose personal funds help sustain his business. When the giant crocodile starts attacking innocent people close to shore, McQuade will join forces with Croc Hawkins(Madsen), a lead-legged hunter with a grudge(..he has a score to settle with the beast, photographs of the many victims it has taken, taped inside his boat's cabin)to find and kill the predatory scavenger.

I have to say that Croc, unlike other films of it's type, has some successful attack sequences. I think really only one major sequence looks rather unrealistic, more obvious a CGI concoction when the crocodile attempts to snatch a girl with a puppy in her hand as it bursts through a wooden floor chomping air. I think a more effective attack occurs later within a pool, tearing into(..and apart)victims, leaving a lot of blood and body parts scattered. I thought when the crocodile secures victims in it's mouth, crunching them in one fail swoop, were actually rather well staged. The movie certainly delivers a steady supply of victims to be lunch for the crocodile.

The film has a blooming romance between McQuade and a scientist, Evelyn(Sherry Phungprasert), hired initially to shut his zoo down, and Jack's nephew, Theo(Scott Hazell) with a local girl, Chompoo(Duangduean Kumphasee). Chompoo's sister is one of the crocodiles many victims. The film really highlights Thailand, using the people and land as a nice backdrop for this creature feature. Rather low IMDb rating, I've seen a hell of a lot worse than Croc, that's for sure. So-so finale is moderately suspenseful, if predictable. Madsen, while certainly a welcome presence, doesn't really have to flex any acting muscle, maintaining his usual persona of quiet cool.
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