Riveting stuff
2 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely riveting stuff. This is because of Frost's deep knowledge of the details of Watergate. It is clear he has spent months researching the events leading up to Nixon's resignation and of course the damning Oval office tapes. He appears to knows as much about the subject as Nixon,enabling him to probe little by little, setting out his opinion on Nixon's actions, how he has come to that opinion and inviting Nixon to disprove his opinion. Nixon never really does. Nixon comes across as a typical politician, never really accepting blame for his actions and unconvincingly setting out arguments in his defence. Worn down in the end and perhaps having a moment or two of clarity he gives as close to an apology as you could expect from a man in his position. The present day interview with Frost on the DVD set out the events surrounding the interviews. This is interesting given the recent movie based on the events.

However, don't forget this interview took place very soon after Watergate so it was not necessary to do any scene setting for viewers. You will want to know your Erlichmann's from your Haldeman's and what happened when to fully understand what the protagonists are talking about.
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