Review of Submarine Base

Unbelievable...and not in a good way.
5 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I agree, Alan Baxter was kind of dull in this. But my main beef with this movie is it's simply too hard to believe that this guy can cause six UBoots to sink and the Germans don't figure out to stop sending boats there for resupply.

Our hero, a character with a questionable history, has set up his own little anti-submarine corps. Supplying torpedoes to the Kreigsmarine. However he rigs one to explode on it's own and tells the captain to go out and sit on the bottom for four hours, supposedly because of the tide. Of course it's really so...well you get the idea. He then pays for a party so there's too much noise to hear the submarine blow up...and never any wreckage I suppose. Why not just let the thing sail out and blow up at some random time? So six boats go missing right after making contact with this guy and yet the Nazis don't suspect a thing. Oh well, there was a war on and they needed to keep the morale up so they made movies like this.

Normally I can suspend disbelief but this one is just too far-fetched. Even though I do like this movie, 5/10
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