sad story of how a movie that actually could be huge ends up being a huge waste of time..
9 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
first of all.. i would've given it a better rating but seeing how it has over 6 already.. i think i doesn't deserve it.. personally i think this is a good 4 out of 10. mostly for the lead character and the beautiful shots.

now i'll make things short 1. it's way to long (2hrs) and it doesn't deliver anything in the overtime 2. it starts great. really great. it slowly builds up a story and i just sat there and was all nervous bout what's gonna come my way.. to tell you the truth.. i still sat there waiting when the credits rolled :( 3. it wasn't scary and it wasn't very psychological either.. it had everything to get there.. but it just touched various moments and situations.. leaving em to die in the 'cold' (harhar).. and instead of lifting those moments up, they actually went nowhere.

someone said 'tales of two sisters' in an arctic setting.. no way! if i had to compare it to the greatness that is 'tots', this would vanish from the face of the earth instantly.. seriously! i'm watching lots of movies. also lots of Asian flicks. and i'm sure that if this one would've been a bit chopped.. faster paced at times.. lose all those 'we show you the same thing for the 3rd time now, to make sure we lower the scare-factor close to zero'.. skip a few of the blah-blah scenes.. and esp. follow what has been built up to the end.. it would've been a great movie.

now it's just 2hrs going nowhere.
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