Black Gunn (1972)
Same old formula, but done well...
9 September 2009
This Jim Brown film was made just after SLAUGTER and SLAUGHTER'S BIG RIP-OFF and seems an awful lot like these two films. Aside from a few plot elements and a few name changes, you'd swear that this is a Slaughter film--with the tough and laconic Brown once again taking on the mob. This isn't a bad thing, as these three films, though similar, are better than the usual Blaxploitation film--with better production values, better scripts and better acting.

The film begins with a group of Black Panther-like men robbing a mob hangout. When they also happen to pick up a book detailing mob payoffs, the mobsters say "you're dead men"--at which point the dumb part of the film occurs. Now think about it--you rob the mob and they promise to kill you while you are holding guns on them. What is your next move? You kill the dirty muthas, of course!! But, these nit-wits run away instead--and several were shot by the mobsters because these idiots didn't think to take their guns!!! Aye, aye, aye. Fortunately, this is the only seriously dumb moment in the me.

While the mob isn't sure who did this robbery, they decide to just start beating up and threatening everyone in the ghetto. Later, they somehow assume that Gunn's brother was involved and spend a lot of time and energy trying to find him. This brings Gunn (Jim Brown) into this mess. While he had nothing to do with the robbery, he has little choice but to fight these jive turkey racists--led by Martin Laundau (though he wasn't in the movie all that much). Eventually, it's a one-man vendetta--Gunn versus the mob--leading to a very typical finale--with a bazillion explosions and dead folks everywhere.

One aspect of the film could have been better. This film is just jam-packed with Black athletes--some who were very famous. However, for the most part, they are more like cameo appearances and I was hoping to see more of them. Sure, Brown and Bernie Casey were in the film--but they were in a lot of films of the genre. Although he's barely in the film, the super-star of the day for baseball, Vida Blue (24-8 the season before making this film and MVP/Cy Young Winner) appeared as a character--the only time he acted (if you can call it that). In addition, football players Tim Brown, Deacon Jone and Gene Washington were in small roles--and give little to do as well. There also was a Tommy Davis listed in the credits. This could be THE Tommy Davis that played for the Dodgers (among other ball teams) but couldn't pinpoint this for sure. With all these talents, it sure would have been nice if it had been more of an ensemble approach--such as when Roy Jefferson, Mike Thomas and Mike Bass (all who at one time played for the Washington Redskins) played in BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH. It's an opportunity lost, but still even with Jim Brown alone, it was a pretty entertaining, though formulaic, film.
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