Glamorous, but flawed Hollywood Topliner
10 September 2009
Glenn Ford and Rita Hayworth pretty much epitomized classic Hollywood glamour, and "Affair in Trinidad" shows the chiseled pair reunited after the success of "Gilda." By most measures, "Trinidad" is a solid, big budget topliner, but the film's hurried ending and blunted racial archetyping dock it some points. Nonetheless, the performances are good ones, and the picture's murder mystery, at least until the stumbling climax, is consistently interesting and believable. Rita Hayworth is older here, but still stunning, and Glenn Ford is solid in the lead, providing plenty of romantic sensibility, as well as good ol' tough guy moments. The story involves Ford traveling to Trinidad after receiving a letter from his brother, only to find him dead and presumably murdered. What follows is a story of international intrigue, with Ford working to unravel the reasons for his brother's murder, as well as the identity of his killer(s). Meanwhile, his brother's widow (Hayworth) may hold the key to exposing the killer(s), but her cooperation with the British counsel prevents her from telling Ford important secrets. Predictably, there is a love story subplot, with Ford and a nefarious businessman vying for Hayworth's hand, and some of the exchanges are terrific. Again, however, the climax is hurried and disquieting, ending the picture on an unbalanced and underwhelming note, but not so much as to spoil the experience. There are a lot of good moments in this one, and fans of 40's Hollywood should be pleased. ---|--- Was this review helpful?
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