Review of Tukkijoella

Tukkijoella (1951)
Fine movie and...ottia tuota
19 September 2009
Roland af Hällström's Tukkijoella (1951) is based on Teuvo Pakkala's play.I read it a little before I saw the movie.I saw it on VHS.Lasse Pöysti is undefeatable as Pölhö-Kustaa.Kalle Viherpuu is hilarious as Tolari, who finishes many of his sentences to ottia tuota.He won a Jussi for best supporting actor.He was also assistant director of the movie.The movie looks amazing, the way it was shot.Those clouds look smashing in the black and white sky.The movie offers pretty many memorable moments.Those are most romantic moments at the well and rowing boat with the beautiful singing.It's funny when the girls go swimming au naturel and Kustaa takes their clothes.
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