19 September 2009
It may be because I had insanely high expectations for this movie, but I thought it was GREAT. I admit, I had been excited for it since I saw the first trailer a few months ago. I went and saw it the day it came out in IMAX 3D, which was cooler in itself, with my sister. I'm fifteen and she's twenty: we were both cracking up the whole time. There were no 'filler' jokes, as many kid's films do today. No jokes with 'potty humor'. All jokes were in good taste and all genuinely funny. The whole script was insanely well written. Timing, pacing, everything was great. The animation was fantastic and really fit the film. The character designs were all original and cute. You could tell how much effort was put into this movie. And the cast! I watched the (adorable!) credits and was surprised! I'd thought I'd recognized that fool pitying officer. (: The whole cast did a terrific job. No complaints there.

This is a fun, lighthearted film. I walked out of the theater feeling the best I'd felt in a long time. Great family film, great film to see with your friends, great film to see by yourself, great film all together. Highly recommended.
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