Smile Pretty (2009)
An amazing movie for what it is, Scout outshines even the biggest stars today
21 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Smile Pretty. Now, apparently Scout's character is supposed to be a victim and to an extent she is. But she is very ala Evie Zamora from thirteen-nix the drugs, amp up the sex, you get the idea. She is cold, calculating, manipulative, and when combined, the idea of feeling remorse for her drains away. I'm not saying this was bad, no, the entire cast was amazing, Scout especially, talk about 360s. Ah Harry Bromley-Davenport, I want to welcome you to the club-the Sickos Club! Welcome! Embrace it! The most amazing thing about this was how all these damage and down-right *beep* up people found each other. Nasty and Matt, that I can understand, but throwing in Sam and at the end? It was the only part that felt forced and somewhat unplanned, yet turned itself around quick. Matt and Nasty-I can't even imagine what prompted any sane parent to give their blessing to this movie. About sixty-nine minutes into this movie, it isn't what you see, it's what you hear that will turn your stomach. Basically, Nasty escapes with Matt who is by def. a pedophile and they are living together as brother/sister. She claims to be in love with him but I don't buy it. "He is a stud"-ha ha ha I wonder how many takes before Scout could say it with a straight face? Stud? Right-and Michael Myers is sane. I fell off the couch laughing when this scene came to-not going to lie, alcohol did not help. Nasty-boy is she. From the way she talks which can sound like the way a trucker would sound to the way she acts, she is damaged goods that will never be right. Scout plays it perfectly, never missing a step, a beat, a frown, a tear, whatever the scene called for, she nailed it. If there is a hell, then Matt and Peter are surely destined to burn there for all eternity. People like Matt should be arressted and castrated and then released back into society, people like Peter, we should just line up along a wall and gun down. Pete Cheklev or something is Matt who is quite weak though circumstances in his life made him this way. He can not make it with adult females they have to be young girls-how he managed to escape jail after sleeping with a 14-year old is mind-boggling (this was before Nasty). Alexander Knezevich is Peter he runs on a very short fuse and every scene he is in provoked an anger I hadn't felt in a long time. He is sort of like a jealous pimp and he is down-right evil. Much like H2, I am still trying to figure out exactly what I felt overall. I will say that Scout left me speechless, the second best performance from her. She has the ability to run circles around full-grown adults in the acting biz. As long as she doesn't fall into any pitfalls of young people in the industry and does more thought-provoking films like this, she will go far. Oh and Harry welcome to the Sickos club.
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