Aliens combined with Resident Evil
23 September 2009
The Dark Lurking is a clear blend of elements from the original Alien, Aliens and Resident Evil. Although not in a space station as in Alien, the dark halls of The Dark Lurking have the flashing lights, steam outlets and industrial feel of Ripley's famous vessel. The underground facility and crazy zombie-creatures are very similar to the deadly challenges faced by Alice in the underground Umbrella Corporation hive in Resident Evil. The soldier characters are vaguely familiar – the tough-guy, the whiney dude and the dashing gentlemen…much like the rag-tag marines from Aliens.

The real strength of The Dark Lurking is in the action and gore. Pure adrenaline, yell-out-loud "cover your face and catch your breath later" scenes with zombie-like creatures chasing down people and literally ripping them to shreds. I watched scene after scene that had my heart beating so fast I swore to take up yoga.

And those zombies! Not only were they over-the-top grotesque but the actors were well coached – just the way that they ran was freaking me out. There is one scene in particular where a lone zombie-like freak is running down the hall with a light shining behind him – and the very movement of the thing was enough to put me over the edge. I think I watched that one short sequence 10 times. Anthony Edwards puts in a perticualrly strong performance and many of the actors need to be commended for making up for million $$ budgets with gritty performances.

The creators of The Dark Lurking are all action junkies, and it shows. Producer and Co-producer Stewart Wall and Bret Kennedy worked with Writer, Director and Co-producer Greg Connors on Netherworld, which won "best action short" at the 2005 New York International Film Festival. Dirk Fowler, director of photography, brought advanced knowledge of stunt work to the table.
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