90210 with FANGS!
26 September 2009
Megan Fox is out to prove she can have a bright Hollywood future without Michael Bay and Transformers but is she thinks JENNIFER'S BODY is going to help her career or even show of her "acting" skills she is really mistaken! I like everybody else believe Megan Fox is gorgeous, sexy and has the best lips since Angelina but her acting is more suited for direct to video movies. Diablo Cody gave us JUNO which was a pretty good movie with a great story and message but to comeback and give us this! What was she thinking! JENNIFER'S BODY is 90210 with fangs but that's were it ends. The movie was awful and that's just the start and it moves forward it actually gets worst. Megan Fox was just to stiff and really never changed her attitude and emotions. The story, plot, jokes and even death scenes were dreadful and left me wondering how in the world did this movie make it to the big screen. Oh yeah Megan Fox!!! That's the reason why this makes it and we have to DEMAND movies like PARANORMAL ACTIVITY to be shown at our locations. JENNIFER'S BODY please don't waste your time and money on this, just wait for bestbuy to have it in the $4.99 DVD bin.
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