The Twilight Zone: The Arrival (1961)
Season 3, Episode 2
8/10's Harold J. Stone!
2 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love old character actors from television and movies. You know, the sort of guys whose names you can seldom recall but who kept appearing in various shows over the years--and whose performances you loved. People who you instantly recognize but can't quite place. Well, one of these many favorites of the 50s and 60s was Harold J. Stone--a brick-like man who managed to have a real presence in his many roles--sort of like a poor man's Lee J. Cobb. While Stone appeared in various movies like THE HARDER THEY FALL and SPARTACUS, he was most identified with television dramas. Heck, just yesterday I happened to see him on "Hawaii Five-O"--and had no idea I'd see him again today on "The Twilight Zone". He was a ubiquitous man--appearing in countless shows and TV movies. And he was in demand because he was a heck of an actor.

Here, Stone plays an investigator for the FAA whose job it is to investigate one bizarre flight. It seems that a plane bound from Buffalo has landed perfectly on the runway...yet there are no passengers and no crew on board!! This is an impossibility but Stone attacks the problem head-on. Eventually, when all other possibilities have been eliminated, he determines that the plane CANNOT exist--it's an illusion. This leads to a dramatic scene where he walks into the running propellers of the plane to prove it isn't real! Believe it or not, this is NOT the end of the episode--there's a lot more to go in fact. It's a fascinating twist about obsession and madness that you just have to see to believe.

Overall, a wonderful episode that I think is a bit underrated. Excellent performances and a great twist make this a winner.
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