Not as good as the original
7 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this out of curiosity, because the original Centre Stage is one of my favourite movies. I expected that this one would be not nearly as good, and I was right. Even though I would fit the 'target market' for this film (teenage dance student) I found it totally contrived and unrealistic.

Part of the reason why I loved the first one so much was that it showed all the hard work and dedication required for ballet, but also had some beautiful dance sequences (especially Ethan Stiefel and Julie Kent in Romeo and Juliet!!) but this one had none of that.

The other thing that annoyed me was that the Kate character was supposed to be a self-taught dancer, which I think is just irresponsible film-making! Sure, it may be possible to learn some things on your own, but ballet is not one of them. It's just asking for a broken ankle, or worse. Furthermore, when it's just ridiculous that she would get the lead role in the new ballet, when clearly all the other dancers were BETTER than she was. Particularly her turnout, and her pointe work were weak. The only ballet scene that really grabbed me was Cooper demonstrating the solo to Tommy, but even that felt as though it was only there to give Ethan Stiefel and dance scene.

However, I did enjoy the club sequences somewhat, but as this is a sequel to Centre Stage, I felt they were unnecessary, and I would have much preferred a focus on ballet. And overall, I just didn't care about the characters.

Overall, even though the original movie wasn't great, it was way better than this. The original totally out-danced, out-scripted and out-directed the sequel. But mostly out-danced.
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