Blue Money (1985 TV Movie)
A wonderful musical treat for Tim Curry fans
8 October 2009
I am shocked at how underrated this film is. It is fantastic! It has a good plot, a funny script, nice camera-work that reminds me of shows like the Sweeney and fine direction. The soundtrack is absolutely brilliant, especially Blue Money, Hit The Road Jack and Love Me Tender. In fact all the songs are superb, but these are the ones that stand out. One of my favourite scenes was the audition scene, and I loved the line "if he dies I'll bleeding kill him!" But what makes the film so hugely enjoyable is the performance of Tim Curry; here he acts, sings, dances and does impressions and he does the whole lot to perfection. Is there anything he cannot do? Seemingly not, it just makes you wonder why such a talented actor like Tim hasn't got the respect he so rightly deserves. Also, although he sang superbly in Rocky Horror Picture Show, and we all know that Tim has an amazing voice, this is the best I've heard him sing. As for Larry Gormley himself, you cannot help love him, he is naughty, yet so lovable, handsome and charming. Debby Bishop is just great as Pam, and she too has a marvellous and overlooked voice. If you love Tim Curry, like I do, then this is a wonderful musical treat for you. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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