Enjoyable Entry In P.R.C.'s Billy The Kid Series
8 October 2009
Awaiting execution for a murder they did not commit, Billy the kid, his sidekick Fuzzy Jones, and their pal Jeff are busted out by the real killers, a group of outlaws who proceed to impersonate them in order to rob and terrorize with impunity.

Billy then trails the killers to Mesa City, run by crooked town boss (and future Frankenstein monster) Glenn Strange, who's turned it into a safe hub for lawbreakers and realizes that in order to clear his name he'll have to clean up the town.

The ninth film in Producers Releasing Corporation's Billy The Kid series and Buster Crabbe's third, this is well paced and action packed, with some great gun battles, raucous fistfights, and nasty villains, definitely worthwhile for fans of the series.
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