Titanic (1997)
A rich and immortal tapestry. Bravo
8 October 2009
Say what you will about the gooey love story, but do not contest the film being a masterpiece. Never has a film inspired such emotion in me, such a feeling of belonging to the thrills and struggles of the characters on the screen. The music, a rich blend of instrumental and vocal, is far from archaic. It inspires emotional power that would have otherwise been lost. The story is obviously well-researched, the images are heartbreaking and breathtaking, and, unlike many epics, Titanic is not arrogant, and it does not drag on. In fact, despite its being one of the longest movies I have ever seen, it felt rushed. It was over too soon. It was that good. I did not even think that the love story was that distracting from the grandeur. It was just another human aspect masterfully explored by the film: greed, hate, panic, and, above all, love, a love so profound, so passionate, that it should inspire viewers with envy, not laughter. No, Titanic is as close to flawless as anything can get. With characters that should rightfully be hated and loved, characters to whom we can all relate, a recapture of the world of the past and the ship itself synonymous to a time machine, and a story replete with comedy, tragedy, and thrill, Titanic is a classic that time can never erode, and that shall always inspire laughter and tears.
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