Lagos LOVED this too!
13 October 2009
It's funny how far a little creativity can go... There is no way that the Austrailian (Really? Blew my mind when I found this out) authors of these zany pieces could have thought that kids in Africa living rooms would be tuning in to watch when it hit the screens of the Lagos State broadcaster TWO DECADES later, yet I and probably several thousand now-middle-aged Nigerians grew up watching endless repeats of a dozen or so episodes of A&TSKOTRT. I'm still wracking my head trying to remember the names of the haunting tune that was used for continuity (of course the Theme Song itself is indelible "...if you're locked up in a tower/he's at rescues on the hour/ he's Aurthur! Aurthur!) but there were one or two sax pieces which I can only vaguely grasp and it's KILLING ME to recall now. Anyway, I never tired of it then, and I'd bet my kids and I would still love it now...
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