Nothing new but worth the time!!!
16 October 2009
I was able to see a private screening of this movie at AMC on 86th Street and well it was pretty much what I expected of yet ANOTHER remake. It brings really nothing new to the table and pretty much just introduces younger crowds to our old school classics.

The Stepfather is yet another movie remade and re-imagined but they couldn't really take it to far as the original did. The movie while yes its very suspenseful at times and I do have to say the audience was very much into the movie, some people were yelling at the screen so it did receive good audience feedback but for me personally I just have to say its just another Hollywood remake which introduces nothing new, nothing we didn't already know, just another cheap attempt for a movie studio to make a few bucks from the younger generation. Basically if you haven't seened it and have the time and no desire to see anything else check it out, if your a fan of the original don't check it out. Want to see a horror movie this Halloween then go see PARANORMAL ACTIVITY. The Stepfather is worth a viewing if you can see it during matinée hours.
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