Review of Back Street

Back Street (1961)
If you leave me I'll kill myself!
20 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
(Some Spoilers) Better then you would expect tear-jerker involving up and coming world famous fashion designer Rea Smith, Susan Hayward, and her sizzling love affair with rich handsome and married Paul Saxon, John Gavin, the heir to the Saxon Department Store chain.

Rea was at first a bit confused if she was in love with the big hulk of a US Marine-Big Paul Saxon-whom she met by accident while entertaining retuning servicemen from the Korean War at the Lincoln Nebreska airport. When Rea, realizing what a big catch he is, finally fell madly in love with him Paul checked out on her on the first plane leaving for Chicago. This all happened when Rea who was supposed to meet Paul at the airport was late when her car ran out of gas in her trying to get there!

It's later reading the newspapers society section Rea finds out that Paul, who never mentioned this to her, was actually married with two young children! Trying to put Paul out of her life Rea becomes driven with her first love fashion designing and in what seem like no time at all become world famous in the dog eat dog fashion business. That's until by accident she meets Paul in New York City who, despite him being married with children, goes completely nuts over her!

Knowing that his affair with Rea has to be kept top secret from his boozy wife Liz, Vera Miles, Paul plays a dangerous juggling act with the two women which draws attention to everyone but his wife Liz who's not only drunk most of the time but refuses, even though her marriage with Paul is on the rocks, to give him a divorce! This double life that Paul was living comes crashing down on him when his 12 year-old so Paul Jr, Robert Eyer, overhears at the Paris Airport two lady ticket clerks mention that Rea, who just happened to be there, is always seen there with Paul when he's by himself! Even though Paul Jr is only 12 it doesn't take much for him to figure out what his jet-setting dad was up to all the time he was absent from home on an important "bussiness trip"!

***SPOILER ALERT**** With his cover blown, after his son confronted him with what he knew, Paul starts to lose it and goes a bit batty in being exposed, by his son no less, as a both unfit husband as well as parent! The final nail in the coffin comes when, after Liz found out about his infidelity, Paul tearfully admits to Liz that their son Paul Jr also knows what a two-timing rat he is! This has a shocked and uncontrollable Liz go on a wild kamikaze run in her car together with Paul who desperately tries to stop her!

Sad ending with Paul hospitalized and near death, Liz was killed in the car smash-up, trying to make things right with his two children Paul Jr and Caroine, Tammy Marihugh, as time slowly runs out for him. As for the now grieved and guilt stricken, in her being the other woman, Rea she does in fact have a big surprise coming at the end of the movie that more or less eases her pain and shows her the true meaning of the phrase that "To Err is Human but To Forgive is Devine".
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