22 October 2009
I'm almost suspicious that the film company hired professional "screamers" to visit local showings of this film and scream at least three or four times at random moments. Because when I heard screams in the theater when I watched this film, I quite honestly didn't see or hear anything worth screaming about. The screams were all coming from the same people, too. Perhaps they're part-time theater employees (grin).

Sadly, this isn't even a new movie. It was first shown at the ScreamFest 2007 horror festival - where they probably ALSO had paid (or volunteer) screamers planted in the audience. I suspect that Paramount was short on horror films this year (2009) and canvassed the "indy" scene for likely films they could buy up on-the-cheap. Then, they over-hyped the film in such a way as to attract people most likely to see a horror film. Mea culpa. I fell for the hype, too, just like everyone else.

In any case, this movie left me flat - and $7 poorer, not counting the popcorn.
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