85 minutes of movie in a 110 minute package.
24 October 2009
I won't completely dissect this movie. It isn't worth the time, and you can get basic plot details from other reviews. Suffice to say it's exceedingly stupid. I gave it two stars largely because at times it's shot well. Some scenes look better than a movie with this budget and this much aggressive incompetence behind it should. I'll just comment on a couple of things beyond that.

The Code Conspiracy uses a lot of technical jargon, mostly in the form of cryptographic and technological talk, to try and lend some weight to its (weightless) religious message. Like pretty much everything else in the movie, it fails to do this and succeeds only in annoying and boring the audience.

Vast, brainless sections of this movie make no sense whatsoever. There's no reasonable explanation for what happens late in the movie on the beach. What goes on as people are getting on the plane, and why it does, are muddled at best. I get the sense that huge portions of the film that would have helped things to make sense were excised. But the rest of the movie is so badly paced--filled to overflow with pointless scenes and long, lingering shots we don't need--that it's hard to buy that as an excuse.

Pacing is the movie's worst failure. Any stupid flick, even a pretentious one, is more forgivable when it's short. I've seen hundreds and hundreds of awful movies, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that probably 90-95% of them clock in within ten minutes of the ninety minute mark. How on earth this movie thought it could get away with a hundred and ten mind-numbing minutes is a mystery more compelling than any Bible Code.

This movie's pretty good for laughs, though. MST3K fans may recognize David Warner from Quest of the Delta Knights. Again, though, it's paced very slowly. There will be some boring spots, but keep in mind there will be something completely ridiculous just around the bend. I especially love the awful, awful songs.

Lastly, I want you to consider all the positive user comments this movie has received here. All of them were posted in the first half of 2005, and almost every one of them--no matter what the country of origin (and there are lots of those)--misuses commas in the exact same bizarre way. Every single one of them also either has commented on no other movies, or has commented only on other movies that starred Jim Fitzpatrick. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's not a coincidence. Thirteen reviews. Bogus. Every other review besides those? Resoundingly negative. The score this movie has is clearly equally bogus. Or maybe it's... dun Dun DUN! A conspiracy!
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