Five Years Later Or....If You Can't Stand The Heat, Stay Out, I Meant Keep Out Of the Kitchen
26 October 2009
It is unfortunate that many viewers responded over-simplistically to issues like anti-Semitism (I certainly don't condone anti-Semitism, I think we overdosed on it when you-know-who was around). But what I find baffling is that a majority (I didn't count them)of reviewers, many of them Christians I assume were shocked or disillusioned by what they saw, i.e. the brutality. But then Jesus's life was filled with his message, regardless of His suffering at the hands of the Romans (not the Jews).

Being a Christian himself I believe Mel Gibson wanted to create a historical document using a media that technologically represents our times, while letting viewers know what Jesus's life and what he endured. It would not surprise me if many of those who are disappointed by the film are devout Christians.

There is a reason Jesus is worshipped and is God's begotten son. If such viewers believe this then why is it that they don't have the stomach for the starkly brutal reality that was His life. This is not a portrayal of sadism as some reviewers said.

The language spoken in the film i.e. Aramaic in my opinion only serves to confirm that Mel Gibson's work is a work of historical/religious art. And those who condemn it or are unhappy with it, I think their issues don't really lie in their opinion of the film but elsewhere, closer to home (literally and metaphorically) in my opinion.

As for the accusation that it is an anti-semitic work, I don't buy it for one second. In fact to me such an accusation shows how much those who view it as such are reacting defensively, and conforming to what they have heard about the film, and thus concluded the same esp. after seeing the brutality Jesus was subjected to, as seen in the film.

When we go to church or read the Bible we are so sure of our faith and belief. But along comes a film such as this one, and our faith starts shaking at it's roots because we want to be entertained. Not that there is anything wrong with wanting to be entertained. All I can say such viewers not forget what is meant by the *passion* of the Christ. It is through his life/passion viewers get a deeper appreciation of what Jesus's life and message was in it's essence.

I will watch this interpretation of the film any day over a sanitized and over-produced version of Christ's life. For those viewers who wish that the film was either muted in it's brutality against Jesus, or wanted to watch a film that entertained them...they can watch something else or watch TV.

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