Not awful
27 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I guess it's not realistic. Being unfamiliar with the history of the Partisan Air Force, I can't say. But it is a pretty good story and hearkens back to the beginning of aerial bombing; simply tossing bombs out the side of a biplane. It's interesting watching the unit grow from a couple of biplanes to a real air force by stealing planes from the enemy and being on the run from the same enemy. So as a flying war story, it's pretty good. But the 102 minute version is indeed poorly hacked up and since that's the one I saw, that's the one I have to vote on.

Very clichéd. Boy meets girl but he is too busy running the outfit to give her the time of day, until it's too late, and then only to fly back over the base after the climatic final mission and call her name on the radio and then disappear mysteriously ala the ending of Fighter Squadron I believe it was, where the hero spirals down into the clouds, leaving their fates unknown. Other boy meets other girl, boy becomes hero and wins girl, girl becomes dead. The only thing missing was him becoming enraged and destroying the enemy single handed. As mentioned, the partisans are dubbed in English but the Germans speak German without subtitles making those scenes pretty pointless unless you happen to speak German. Even then I think they could have been cut in favor of fleshing out the partisan parts. But I guess they were trying to set up the final battle between two opponents who had been playing cat and mouse throughout the movie. It doesn't really work, especially when you can't understand what the cat is saying.

Other than that, it's a fairly decent war story which suffers from poor editing and poor model effects, though they do know how to blow stuff up.

P.S. As a note to whomever is in charge of stuff like this: The US version is named The Battle of the Eagles. Yet Eagle (Adler) is what the German pilots called themselves in this movie. Sort of confusing, don't you think? Rather than naming it after the bad guys, maybe it should have been named something like, oh say Partisan Squadron. duh. 5/10 from me.
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