An absolute embarrassment to the medium of film. One of the worst movies I have ever seen.
29 October 2009
Let me say that I am not a snooty film buff and that I love mindless action movies. That being said, I cannot believe how awful this movie was. I kept looking for some reason-any- to like this movie and I found not one thing. I'll break it down-

Script: Laughable; Seems to have been written by a third grader

Acting: Some of the worst I have ever seen. Further insult is added given that there are some great actors in this film. Dom West, Ray Stevenson and Doug Hutchinson are normally excellent, but in this one, all 3 of them bring screen acting to a new low. Dash Mihok should quit acting forever out of pure guilt for his performance. All of the characters that have accents (and there are many) perform so badly that I found myself laughing at how preposterous the accents sounded. A black guy with an Irish accent? WTF? Oh and Julie Benz was just terrible.

Direction: If I invested in this film and the director screened this for me I would punch him in the face. Sloppy, awkward, amateurish and clichéd-the directing is like the script- seemingly performed by a 3rd grader. I can't believe this movie got decent distribution. This is straight to video material all the way.

Effects/Action: I thought that at the very least I would enjoy seeing Ray pop caps in people's asses but every action scene in the film has been done before. Most are lifted shot for shot from other movies. The action felt tired, predictable and un-imaginative. Every cliché you could possibly think of is on display here.

In all, I just remember feeling embarrassed for the medium of film, Comic Book Movies, the actors, and the Punisher himself. Everyone involved in this film should be punished!!!!

Sorry I couldn't resist
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