Complainers (2008– )
One of the Most Important Shows of all Time
29 October 2009
Dom Joly is known to be a mostly eccentric, unpredictable type. He's probably most known for his role in "Trigger Happy TV" which originally aired in the UK and was picked up on the American network Comedy Central. His sense of humor and passion in entertaining surpasses that of most entry-level pranksters. His role in "The Complainers" does not fail to bring out any of these qualities. The Complainers' main goal is to teach us to speak up when normally it would be easy to bite the bit and say nothing. This is somewhat a very different quality of most live action/non-fiction television shows out there today. It's dealing with a very important, very powerful topic about our social anxieties. Being an American, I caught this show a long time after it was originally aired, and I'm surprised it has not garnished the attention of more people here in the states. It's not just because it was filmed and aired in the UK; there seems to be an underlying problem in most societies in any country today that Dom Joly addresses in this show with the society in the UK involving social attitudes that, I think most can agree, is a very powerful and bold move to make. All the negative I can say is Dom Joly has way too many projects going at once at this time; as he spreads his talent much too thin. I do admire the direction he's taking with the more serious roles in his future project "The Dark Tourist" and I'll be looking forward to the rumored film entitled "Trigger Happy Movie". As expected, Dom Joly will stun and excite those around him spreading his message and beliefs like some sort of pseudo-prophet of our time. I think we can all learn something important from this man, and it won't just be that running around in a fursuit scaring strangers is a bad idea.
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