Super Boy (2009)
Just A-W-F-U-L
30 October 2009
This is probably the worst "movie" ever made in Hungary. Director Kabay had already made some really bad moving images (i wouldn't call them films) but this is far below our originally low expectations. Fist of all, there is no script, neither storyline - the so called plot is so simple that even a kindergarten student could have written it, and the holes in it are even bigger than in hungarian economy. It is sad, that they even found some pretty good actors for it - of course, just for the smaller roles - leading artist Imre Bajor is just below everything you can imagine - they were recording him drunk, wearing never-worn clothes. Fortunately the film is not really long, so it can be survived, but I am really interested in the meaning of the 5-minute long zoo footage in it. I don't remember Aristoteles ever mentioning giraffes. Don't watch. You are all mortals.
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