well its one perspective.. though not one i agree with
1 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
well i watched this, and its an interesting perspective, mostly created out of thin air out of people trying to make a buck, or to get attention, or to stick it to the man, but throughout the whole movie i never once seen any type of proof to back up any of the claims, sure its possible that there is a conspiracy but without proof or at least something to lead you to suspect it, then its just a made up random ferry tale for the low level humans that will believe anything if you wave it in their face.

unfortunately for humans worth their weight in flesh we need proof to believe stuff.

and btw, cops have been ignorant, slow, and law breaking since the beginning of time, no proof of some world order, its just proof cops are still morons, well many of them at least, and the rest are too cowardly to stand against those repressive elements of the police so they all seem like a big repressive force, cops are 99% made up of bullies and cowards, doesn't mean its a world wide conspiracy, their just stupid people with badges, thats all.

hopefully there isn't really a world wide conspiracy, but knitting everything together as if its some big conspiracy is silliness.. wheres the proof? wheres any kind of reason to believe any of this is true? making random claims that have no proof to prove or disprove is just a theory and should not be believed by any type of quality human.

on a side note the movie was well made and was a good representation of their nutty world and their nutty views.
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