I'm HG the real girl behind the scenes
2 November 2009
Aloha, my name is HG,my bro is DG,Ronnieboi is my bro in the Movie. I just wanna say that i thought this movie was good. When i seen it on the big screen knowing this movie was about our lives(my life), it made me laugh and cry. Now every thing you all seen in the movie, half is true and some not true. But i think this was a wake up call for all of us. Stop the fighting! Stop household abuse! Maybe David makes another movie, just to school again. So all you hater's crying about this movie. Stop HATING, it must be going on in your HOME,to BOOO this movie.I know everyone has there own opinion, But because i know what really happened, because behind the scenes i'm that little girl at Ronnie's house. But i'm 3 yrs. younger then DG,DC,GC and Z.( sorry Z i 4 got your last name) so i would tell every1 that i'm Maile.I got busted choke time's when i was at Konaweana High School.I was very Kolohe when i was a teenager, But i like it,looking like a little girl in the movie. David why did you make me a little girl? Can someone hook me up with some posters and the Movie. All the movies is not 4 sale. It's all gone from wal-mart and blockbuster in hilo,Hi no more. Well i can go on 4ever telling about the movie, but i'll stop here. Bombai i tell you the whole movie...LOL...P.s. go see the movie it's not about RACES, Once you've understand the movie and what's true and what's not true then you might just like it! <3 ya HG
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