Yattâman (2009)
The visuals and the motion are all
4 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I finally get to see this film which premiered earlier this year at the New York Comicon. I was upset at not being able to secure a seat, however in retrospect that may have been a good thing.This is a great looking musical comedy action children's film based upon the anime series of the same name. I'm at a loss to say more than that. Its pretty much an over extended children's program pumped up (with adult references) to almost two hours where Yatterman (Number one Number two and a couple of robots) taking on a bad guy team all over the world. I'm guessing you need to know something about the series since it starts in mid action and just goes. Its a frenetic mess. Its great eye candy but anything having to do with the plot kind of was lost to me. I'm a huge fan of Miike's films and of the directors ability to confound expectations, the latter of which the director does here in spades, but out side of the motion and the visuals there isn't much here. I'm guessing that Miike enjoyed his work on one of the recent Ultraman series and wanted to continue on something similar. While this is better than Ultraman series (which was a mess) its still all form over content to the point that you really don't care about the plot. On the other hand the visuals and the sense of anything can happen is so strong the film is worth seeing at least as a rental.
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