Trump, Trump and More Trump
4 November 2009
30 for 30: Small Potatoes: Who Killed the USFL? (2009)

*** (out of 4)

Fun filled and sometimes heated documentary about who killed the USFL, the springtime football league, which seemed to be doing decent until Donald Trump bought a team and soon, after three seasons, the league was no more. It's interesting to note that director Tollin was actually working for the USFL when they started up so he's certainly got some insight as to what was going on and I think for the most part this documentary is quite open and honest about the events that would bring the league down. It's also worth noting that everyone interviewed blames Trump. What was most fascinating about this documentary, for someone not too familiar with it, is how many legends of the NFL started their careers in this "under" league. Jim Kelly, Steve Young, Herschel Walker and Reggie White are just a few of the people who started in the league and coaches Jim Mora, Lee Corso, Rick Neuheisel and Keith Jackson were also working there. All of these folks are interviewed here and again, they all blame Trump. The old hair piece Trump is also on hand here and it shouldn't shock anyone that he doesn't take a bit of the blame. It's clear he isn't too fond about this story and eventually ends the interview without offering too much up. It's pretty funny to see what a great villain he makes here especially with a former player, still highly upset, talking about how many people lost their job over his greed. There's plenty of footage from the old games as well as original news reports of various games, stories and of course that infamous court case where the league went after the NFL.
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