Review of The Gift

Flashforward: The Gift (2009)
Season 1, Episode 7
What your destiny is going to look like?
7 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Is your future written in stone?

I think this episode, out of the seven that were already aired, is the one that provides the most in enrichment of the plot.

Like I expressed in my review on the main page of FlashForward, the chances for this show to not disappoint the audience was to continually keep feeding the audience with an intelligent script. And the primary question that had to be answered was the one above: Is the future indelible? Are we able to change it?

If the answer would be no, the plot would be turning predictable and, with time, boring. The first episodes, and even this one in some part, were leading in that direction. Although Mark got rid of the friendship bracelet that his daughter gave him to try to stop his future, all the new leads of his "flash forward" future kept showing up and his board was filling up little by little in the same way he saw it. Demetri was so certain of his upcoming death that didn't even want to try fighting his destiny. Even Al in this episode took the gun and shot himself because six month from now he knew he was going to be alive.

The turning, and key, point was Al jumping from the roof in a desperate attempt to change his future. The result? It didn't only changed his, Celia's and her kid's, those last 7 minutes of episode 7 were really "The Gift" (title of the episode) all the audience needed.

The future can be changed. Demetri and Mark felt that relief. We all did.

Now new questions have arisen: How to stop the train of the future from coming if you didn't have the chance of knowing who were you going to affect like Al did? Or even if you didn't have a flash forward? How do you know that something you are doing to prevent the future from happening is not really causing it? Can it just be stopped by drastic measures like Al's?

Really good questions that got me hooked up with just to the idea of a possible new dawn.
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