Hwang Jin Yi (2007)
so boring....
7 November 2009
I had always had a soft spot for SHK since first seeing her in Autumn Tale and My Girl and I, after hearing so much about this film while it was in production I had made up my mind to go see it.

unknown to some, there is also a drama that was made and was released a few months prior to this movie. I wanted to get a hold on the storyline and a feel for the character before seeing this movie so i watched the drama. it was absolutely brilliant. the main girl in there, Ha Ji Won, was excellent, she had this proud-ness about her that was either endearing or dis-likable, but to me she was such a likable character,even if she wasn't lovable, and the dancing was so beautiful, especially the sword dance and the calling for justice dance she did to save her lover.

with that feeling i went into the movie, i knew from the forgo that the movie would be different, would have different feel and the character would be different too. but i never expected to not like Hwang Jin Yi, or find her a bore.

But i did, she was so utterly boring and the director tried way to hard for the viewers to feel sorry for Hwang's situation that it really ruined it for me. one of the reason the drama was so good was that Hwang in the drama was never portrayed to be a sympathetic character, the path she tread was the one she had chosen, she had no one to blame but herself, she never asked for our sympathy, and we don't feel the need to give it to her.

the movie's Hwang was the total opposite, we see her as being forced into the situation, taking crap from people and being betrayed by her best friend then abandoned by him. all the makings for a sympathetic character, but although i did feel sorry for her as would anyone with a bit of compassion in them but felt like a cheap shot. and i was left feeling like I'm been forced into the feeling.

what really did me in the most, was the fact that Hwang was suppose to be renowned for her beauty, intelligence and artistic nature in both drawing and dancing, the movie only portrayed her as a beauty with some brains, there was any particular scene that made us go 'wow she's so smart' and the most damming of them all, no dancing.

the worst thing this movie did was being un-memorable, it was such a shame, as i expected it to be much better.

if anyone has the chance, skip this movie and watch the series, but if you want to watch both then watch the movie first, there is no way you can stand this movie if you've already seen the drama. one of the stupidest thing i did was go watch the drama first.
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