Doctor Who (2005–2022)
30+ Years of Never Watching "Dr. Who" will now end.
7 November 2009
In the mid to late 70s, during my 'tween and early 'teen years, I remember seeing the incessant promos for 'Dr. Who' on the local PBS station in Chicago. I tried watching it a few times, but by that time the series was about as old as I was and I just could not get into it. My (slightly) younger brother, on the other hand, developed a great love of the series and he and his best friend would talk about each episode with a joy I simply did not understand.

In all these years I have never watched an entire episode and here I sit tonight, some 30 years later, watching my first complete episode of 'Dr. Who' (well, I actually missed the first 10 mins or so and didn't even realize it was 'Dr. Who' until I had watched 30+ mins of it! LOL). And.. and.. I really enjoyed it.

This is the 'new' Dr. Who series begun in 2005, and while I don't quite know if this is a re-telling of the original storyline begun in 1963 or if this is a continuation of the storyline from the series finale of 1989 -- I'm sure a bit of research will answer this question.

When I finally realized that I was watching 'Dr. Who' a flood of memories came rushing back... mostly of my brother (who, coincidentally, died a few months after the final episode of the original 'Dr. Who' series aired) and his best friend (who I haven't seen or heard from in 8 yrs or so) and their long talks and excited recitations of 'Who' dialog.

Now I have small sons myself, and while they are too young to watch 'Dr. Who', I wonder if they will come to love it as their uncle did. For me, I think I will find the first 4 seasons of this 'new' series and give it a shot. If it's as entertaining as tonight's episode I may become a 'Who' fan after-all.

Better late than never, eh?
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