Review of Dinosaurus!

Dinosaurus! (1960)
Jurassic Island Park
9 November 2009
"Dinosaurus!" is an unknown but righteously unsung early 60's monster- movie, from the director of "The Blob", which actually has no reason for existing whatsoever. The plot is totally bonkers, the acting performances are atrocious and the special effects – although achieved through old fashioned stop motion techniques – are pitiable. On a tropical island resort, construction workers discover two frozen but perfectly preserved dinosaurs; one herbivore Brontosaurus and one carnivorous T-Rex. Usually in the case of such a fantastic archaeological discovery, all construction works would be terminated at once and for an undetermined period of time, but here the boss of the construction workers simply decides to put them on the beach in order not to damage them as they carry on working. One stormy night and a lightening struck later, the prehistoric giants come to live and run amok on the island. Then, there are some lousy sub plots like the one with the sleazy resort owner trying to make money out of the prehistoric discovery, one with an incredibly annoying island kid befriending the Brontosaurus and even riding around on his back and – last but not least – the wacky adventures of a Neanderthal (who also just happened to wash ashore and defrost all by himself without the help of lighting) in the civilized world. "Dinosaurus!" is a pretty retarded film, but hey, at least you have to admit it's quite original. This really is more of a slapstick comedy rather than a drive-in monster feature, because at a certain point they start throwing pies in the bad guys' faces. Weak! The stop-motion dinosaurs are charming and the stupidity of the script occasionally causes uncontrollable chuckles, but overall this certainly isn't a recommendation.
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