Review of Zaat

Zaat (1971)
I can only think of one film I have seen that is worse...and I've seen a lot of very bad films.
9 November 2009
This film begins with what appears to be stock footage of undersea creatures during which completely irrelevant narration from Dr. Leopold intones loudly...and inanely. Then, after it finally finishes, the credits roll--and the audience is left completely baffled. Sadly, after the credits roll, the annoying narration continues with some prattle about 'walking fish'. Yeah, whatever. All I know is that this was really annoying and seemed to go on and on and on and make no sense. Finally, this is replaced by some loud and equally annoying whirring and old fashion computer sounds. The entire first 15-20 minutes of the film is nothing but that irritating and nonsensical sort of claptrap.

After all this annoyance and exposition, the doctor has now become some goofy sea monster--much like the ones you see in THE HORROR OF PARTY BEACH and other such 60s laughable crap. When my wife saw him, she began snickering. Thankfully, she knows me well enough that she didn't bother telling me what she thought of the film--she knew I had to get my horrible movie fix! In a brilliant move, once he transformed, now even MORE annoying sound effects are repeatedly thrown at the audience in an apparent attempt to drive them from the theaters for several more minutes. In fact, the sound track and sound effects for this film might just be the most annoying of any film in history. Also, inexplicably, the camera keeps jumping back and forth from the lame action to stock film of water animals--and it all seems so very irrelevant and cheap.

Apparently the plot has something to do with revenge or making a female creature like himself or something, but it's never very clear. What IS clear is that the film appears to have almost no script or direction. And, because of this, too often scenes are overplayed or repeated again and again without much regard to the story. It's really just a mess...a cheap and silly mess. Not surprisingly, this is writer/producer/director Don Barton's only film--it was just THAT bad! It is the most irritating film I have ever seen when it comes to the sound track and among the worst overall--with only MANOS HANDS OF FATE being the only film I can readily think of that is worse overall. That's saying a lot because I have seen most of the films of Al Adamson, Ed Wood, Ted Mikels, Larry Buchanan and many other of the worst film makers ever--and this one is WORSE. Clearly, it deserves its place as the current #8 worst film of all time on the IMDb list--though perhaps this is a bit too generous. This pile of crap at least gets my vote for most annoyingly loud film of all time.
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