Review of Pandorum

Pandorum (2009)
"You Just Woke Up?"
12 November 2009
I'm a big fan of science-fiction horror movies as long as they're done well. The last movie of this type that i recall enjoying was probably "Event Horizon" which replaced the typical haunted house concept with a spaceship. It's probably no coincidence that the director of that particular movie was also the producer here for the two have several things in common - including the fact that I found "Pandorum" equally enjoyable.

I've read other reviews criticising the storyline of "Pandorum" and some argue that the movie attempts to throw too many different things into the mix - you have the protagonists waking with no memories as to where they are, you have the introduction of space madness (the 'Pandorum' of the title) and you have a group of angry mutants racing around eating people. For me, these parts came together perfectly and i never found myself thinking that the plot was too busy. The screenplay is actually very well written - there are mysteries presented to the viewer which are gradually answered, leading into other mysteries.

The director has done a great job here with the camera carefully weaving through dark corridors, whilst the sets are magnificent; you truly feel as though you're trapped inside this dying vessel with Bower (Ben Foster) and Peyton (Dennis Quaid). Foster, in particular, keeps your attention on the screen as he struggles not only to survive in the hellish environment he's woken up in, but also to reclaim the memories of why he's here in the first place.

Perhaps it's not incredibly scary but the movie works more as a mystery than a horror. That's not to say that there aren't any horrific elements - some scenes are fairly gory. I'll also praise the makers for choosing to use make-up and physical effects for the mutants rather than bland CGI.

Highly recommended for fans of horror looking for an original science-fiction story that isn't a remake, or simply something to entertain them on a dark night.
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