Drama Kings (2009)
Hilarity at it finest!!!
11 November 2009
Drama Kings is a perfect Hollywood film. It is filled with laughs and craziness. The main characters are over the top aspiring actors that are fighting for the same role. For someone in Hollywood, the jokes ring like they are personal and private. For others dreaming of Hollywood, Drama Kings is a window into the craziness that actors go thru to get a part. All done with side splitting tongue and cheek. Aaron Miller is a star waiting to break out. His is hysterical!!! Stacy Miller as his mother, nails it!! You never know what she will do next. And just when you think it cant get anymore insane, in walks Gilbert the casting director. Frank Iwan Jr. brings such a smarmy hilarity to the role he had me squirming in my seat. Dane Anderson and Bryan Watkins are writers/directors in the same vein as Matt and Ben. Take my advice and go see this movie, it's a blast. **** 4 stars.
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