Love is the Longest Lasting Relationship Game of all
15 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In his first screenplay and directing experience, director Yann Samuell supports the belief of everlasting love relations. If we analyze his powerful script; he wants lovers to find their true love, since they can do this only once in a lifetime. He encourages us to believe that the more time passes, the more powerful the relationship is; and that's why he cuts out the classic foundation of love at the first sight and makes fun of it. Everything is OK up to here, but his plot only lacks in reality where it was necessary to bind destiny with love. Afterwards this question stays unanswered: "If we decide to stay loyal(in heart) to our first love without believing in destiny, and keep returning to him/her after failed relationship trials to heal our wounds; how can we know he/she is our true love?". I'll add this question to discussion board under A Study of Love & Destiny.

Romance movies never makes sense for me, as romance novels do. Although, we have a senseful and sensible story beginning in this one. There is a 7 year-old girl named Sophie; who is known as a very killjoy,proud,indifferent child. Across the heart, there is a nasty but very sensitive 7 year-old boy named Juline; both going to the same elementary school. Julien meets with Sophie while her friends making off-color humour with her. He gives a care for her, but she doesn't even take a blind bit of notice at first. Though afterwards, when she realizes that she can have fun with him all the time; she starts spending time with him day by day. At age 7, they start a game of gameness, which will last for a life-time.

For their unity had begun by means of games, one day at age 17, Sophie left Julien challenging him to question how can she be sure that he's seriously in love with her. By that time Julien hadn't realized that Sophie was having maturational crisis. Yet in Jeux d'enfants, the methods of communication through love is so impressive that sooner or later they both understand that they're meant for each other. There are signature scenes and moments in between their reunion times with an excellent transfer of Surrealism into storyboard sequences.

Even though they both betrayed on each other, they keep their game just like keeping a secret deep in their hearts. This became crucial to accept when the social and sociological obstacles happened to put an end to their game. Whereas, they realize the meaning of love is to go after your lover no matter how hard the situation is. They put an end to their life together at the end to be able to stay loyal to their game.
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