Lovewrecked (2005)
I gave it a chance.
27 November 2009
I saw the updated Shakespeare/de-Vere play "She's the Man", and saw the trailer for this flick. I'd been wanting to rent it at Blockbuster because it looked like it might be worth a chuckle or two. So there I am in the local Safeway, buying some cereal and milk when I spot the "Love Wrecked" DVD on the impulse rack for three bucks. I'm thinking there's a reason it's $3 (American), but I'm also thinking "Meh, how bad could it be?" I mean, it's got to have at least a couple laughs in it, right? Right?

Err... I grinned here and there, but, well, maybe it's just the dude in me, I'm not sure, because I really like the romantic comedy genre, but this film seemed to fall a little flat. The direction was okay. It could have been better, but it is what it is. The acting for the genre is actually fine. But the story premise wasn't played out to its fullest.

I mean, this had the potential to be a really hilarious film, but the gags and story just seemed to plod along from one superficial "chicks fighting over dude" joke to the next.

I don't know. Maybe I'm being too unfair to the film. I'm not sure I could've done a better job with the script at hand. Then again, I probably wouldn't do any worse.

At least I only paid a few bucks for a copy. If you must watch it, borrow it from a friend, or check out the libraries copy.
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