Lots of Plot
27 November 2009
Well-stocked Western, full of plot, divided loyalties and shifting alliances. After the war, Union Major Robert Ryan processes amnesty for Confederate raiders led by Bruce Cabot. Trouble is that carpetbagger detective agency led by Preston wants the ex-Confederates' and Ryan's hides. Add Claire Trevor as Preston's ex-wife, and a number of subplots, and you've got plenty of story.

The powerfully intense Ryan holds the many threads together and is near the peak of his exceptionally fine career. The cast here is unusual, featuring a number of former leading men, such as Cabot, Tierney, Preston, and the one-shot Buetel best known for camp classic The Outlaw (1943). And, of course, there's a crusty old Walter Brennan adding color as veterinarian and ex- horse thief Doc Butcher (not the best name for a doctor).

Obscure director William Russell has a nice eye for location landscapes that, at times, are quite striking. The movie's at its best, I think, when Ryan is interacting with the Confederates. It's a nice study in wary respect among macho men. I could have done without Trevor's subplot, but at least it's woven believably into the main plot. However, after the big build-up, I thought the final shoot-out was rather anemic and disappointing. Nonetheless, the movie holds interest throughout, (especially the fine first part), with a number of colorful characters, scenic vistas, and more story conflicts than usual.
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