Sincerely disappointed
29 November 2009
Well, first: I'm a huge fan of the book. Huge. Additionally, a fan of science fiction in general.

The thing that makes this rendition so boring - so boring that I couldn't finish watching it - is that the story is continually interrupted by long stretches of music. During these stretches, the recorded audience gets to watch the story unfolding on a large movie screen. Meanwhile, WE (the TV viewers) get to look at things like the conductor bobbing up and down in a disturbing manner with an equally disturbing smile on his face, or a several-seconds-long close up of a violin bow, and similar edge-of-your-seat visuals (sarcasm intended).

Perhaps this was wonderful to see in person. It's simply frustrating - *very* frustrating - trying to sit through the recorded version.

4 stars because, unlike most renditions, it largely adheres to the excellent book - that is, in between large swathes of pointless music and even more pointless video. I cannot recommend this even to the most die-hard of Wells or SciFi fans.

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