A very, very acquired taste.
17 December 2009
With just their second film, the Coen brothers show that they are willing and capable of creating an entirely different film experience each and every time. After their stunning debut with the sharp, enticing crime thriller Blood Simple, what could be further from that than an oddball, idiosyncratic comedy about an ex-con and an ex-cop getting married and stealing a baby from a set of quintuplets because they can't have kids? Two of the most energetic and gratifying actors working today, Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter, go head-on with their outrageous dialog and characters that are so broad and outlandish, it is impossible to not notice them. Both are good in their respective roles, especially Hunter, but some characters weigh down the story and take time away from those we really want to see. John Goodman and William Forsythe play a couple of inmates who know Cage and hope to rob a bank after escaping. There is also a seemingly frightening and terrifying man-hunter on a motorcycle that seems right out of Mad Max. It was these situations that puzzled me and left me wondering what they were doing in this story.

I guess I didn't like the movie too much, but probably only for the script, which is in my opinion one of the weakest of the Coen's. The characters are so broad and outlandish that it takes away from the emotional value able to see in them so we are witnessing more behavior than character. I did laugh at certain sections, but there were several scenes that felt from another movie. I guess I can't be too upset seeing as how I have seen many other Coen brother films I love, but it came as a bit of a surprise to me that this disappointed me. Then again, the Coens have always been a very acquired taste. This one is very, very.
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