Absolutely loved it!
19 December 2009
This is an absolute Christmas cracker. I think it is slicker and more polished than the first film, and Rupert Everett is even better this time around as the eponymous Miss Fritton. It is camp, witty and outrageous and full of classic one liners. The new girls are hilarious and Tamsin Edgerton who played Chelsea has proved that her future career lies in comedy. Yes It's movie/panto for the masses, but that's half of its charm. At a time when England is in the grip of mass unemployment and recession, this is the kind of family comedy that everyone can enjoy. I cannot believe all of the bad reviews. That said, the vast majority of them are written by men aged 35-60. Go figure! At least the filmmakers know their target audience, unlike the people who's job it is to criticise. I'm sure it will be as successful as the first film. Top marks class. No detention for anyone.
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