Babes in Toyland (1954 TV Special)
Wonderfully Dated, Entertaining Time Capsule of Yesterday
27 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I loved every second of this incredible gem. I've alway's been a big believer that entertainment does not have to be big, expensive,and over produced to be good. That's why I find kitschy nostalgia so watchable and fun. It does'nt require a expensive budget and expensive promotion. It does'nt require a bunch of over paid studio executive middle men, it does'nt require a bunch of trendy first night audience make it or break it types to tell everyone if it was cool or the latest thing. It is just what it is.

I don't mind a large budget or a big event. But that's not all that there is and people are so brain washed into thinking that's where the fun and action is. There is no real heart to that thinking. Lemmings think like that. In mass groups. I like small movies because they can be original and different. Ed wood is a good film maker because he is never dull and is always different. Unlike most mainstream commercial crap on TV and at the movies now that all looks and feels alike. How many times can we all be told this is the next big event?

People should look more to the past and to independent sources for entertainment.

Which brings us to this kinescope TV 'Babes in Toyland'. Wonderful music, wonderful dancing(it almost becomes a nutcracker ballet of sorts) and the freaky out of date Baird marionettes are likely to raise the hairs on many baby boomer's heads(I was so frightened of the Baird marionettes at one point that I wondered if this DVD could be like the video in those 'Ring' movies and the marionettes would come alive and jump out of the TV and chase us).If baby boomers don't believe the Baird marionettes are that freaky, then just try to sit through a dance routine with Wally Cox(Groomio)and a step n' fetchit marionette without screaming. Baby boomers should also check out a guy in a weird spider baby costume with six legs(can you say George Ali on acid?).All in all this version is great. The Disney version and the Hal Roach versions are my favorites, but this was great. I wuved it mommy.
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