Worst. Movie. Ever!
30 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I tend to over exaggerate about most things, it just makes the story more exciting, but in this case I am not.

This film was horrendous, obviously filmed with a budget of about $500 and staring bartender school drop outs. There is nothing nice I can say about it. The epic lack of plot is only out done by the sever lack of quality comedy, with mentions to used strap on dildos and dirty sanchezes, this movie obviously has been made by and enjoyed by people who have never been to high school let alone collage.

Or please prove me wrong, the next time you are having sex with some one and wipe a digit, which has been inside there anus, on their upper lip, make a movie about it. Just please do a better job than what these clowns did.
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