What to do with this film
30 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, to begin with this film was worth what I paid for it, which was less than a cup of coffee.

If you have bought this film and are disappointed with it, here is what to do.

You will need speakers that you can easily switch from one sound source to the other. Whenever the 'scary' bits turn up in this film, swap from the DVD audio to an mp3 player with the Scooby Doo theme on loop.

Because that's what this is, it's Scooby Doo horror and hilarious when you realise it. A group of mystery hunters investigate a house where people disappear, then there is lots of (female only) nudity and lots of (male only) blood and gore, then someone gets their disguise pulled off and everything is quickly resolved. And they would have gotten away if it wasn't for all you pesky monsters.

Don't look for good acting or good characterization, the men are all too stupid to live and the women are pretty shallow. Although in fairness the actors may be really great, they just don't get much to work with.
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