Titus: The Last Noelle (2000)
Season 2, Episode 9
The show was always in it's "dark period"
30 December 2009
Take a screwed up young man trying to do the right thing, add a myriad of family and friends making his already difficult life that much more impossible and then you'll come up with "Titus". This program took a world where most of us have crazy relatives and associates and showed us we probably weren't as bad off as Christopher and his cast of characters. The brilliant Stacy Keach is Papa Titus and how he chooses to raise his boys will make eyebrows raise up in shock. The man had as many terrible qualities as good ones and the fact the real Chris Titus named his daughter after the late patriarch is a tribute to his legacy of parental pride.

"The Last Noelle" ranks as one of the most sobering stories which can still make us laugh amidst the insanity. Danielle Weeks appears in the role of Titus' now dead ex-girlfriend who made a huge impression on him, through physical abuse and Chris' rationalization for staying with her, "The booty was good!" How men who love women that are not right for them is a twist on the now familiar tales of women staying with violent husbands/boyfriends and is an innovative approach for a less preachy show than most others on the air past/present. As he explains, 100% of men with abusive female partners are embarrassed to admit what's really happening to them and seek help.

I wish this program was on longer than the couple years we had it, but the legacy of "Titus" is a rich and rewarding one.
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