Mr. St. Nick (2002 TV Movie)
Routine silliness, but fun anyway
30 December 2009
Another redo to St. Nick. Now there's a new Father Christmas every century. No, really. And as the 20th Century makes way for the 21st, the outgoing Santa XX prepares to turn the toy making/delivery business to his son, Santa XXI. No, really. Like many other movies about Santa's family, the heir doesn't want the job for some reason.

Santa Jr. (or 21st) prefers to dance the Conga in Miami Beach, and chase girls. He's a millionaire, and finds a girl to get hitched with that his parents immediately recognize is a gold digger. Bet you didn't expect that to happen. There's also a cute but feisty new cook working for him. "The magic of Santa" starts to transfer to the new St. Nick, setting up more silliness. Pretty routine stuff, headed exactly where you expect it to go. Not really for smaller kids; some of this will confuse them. But has its moments for Mom and Dad if they're looking for a harmless comedy. The cast is pleasant and make things fun; the story is innocent and good natured. A good movie for a stay in night.
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